Opinion Nobody Wants To Die and the Unsung Beauty of Expiration Dates Investigating the implausible dream of immortality
Opinion The 2024 Nebula Award for Game Writing Baldur's Gate 3 takes home the Nebula for Game Writing
Opinion The Hidden Depth of In-Game Texts What collectible texts and audio logs have to say about their world
Opinion How They Wish To Be Left Alone Jarburg, and how Elden Ring offers tranquility among violence and death
Opinion Rewriting Final Fantasy VII: Part 2 Continuing the reworking of one of gaming's most famous stories
SUPERJUMP PVP SUPERJUMP PVP #2: The Hero's Journey in RPGs Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of RPGs featuring the "hero's journey"
Feature The Devil’s in the Details DmC: Devil May Cry, seen as the black sheep of the series, masters the art of visual storytelling, making it a game worth recognition
Opinion The Future of AI-Powered NPCs in Video Games It's about to become surreal in the AI-powered gaming space
Opinion Thou Art I…and I Am Thou: Persona 4’s Reflections on Human Bonds The popular JRPG shows how human relationships can make or break a life
Game Design Infinity Series: Visual Novels From a Game Design Perspective There's more than one way to tell a visual novel
Game Design The Economy of Accepting Death in Spiritfarer How game systems enable introspective and emotional experiences
Opinion Ghost of Tsushima Is About People How Sucker Punch told their story through individual characters rather than sweeping narrative