Game Design Colonial Power Relations and Totalitarian Mass Communication in Half-Life 2 A detailed analysis of Half-Life 2's impressive and historically important digital dystopia
SUPERJUMP Weekly Video Games, Culture, and Society Showcasing the intersection of culture and society in video games
Feature The Dark Side of Gay Culture in Mediterranea Inferno: A Profane Iconology Examining social and existential issues in gay culture in the context of social media and conservatism
SUPERJUMP PVP SUPERJUMP PVP #2: The Hero's Journey in RPGs Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of RPGs featuring the "hero's journey"
Feature Beyond Imagination: Unraveling the Postmodern Mythos of Final Fantasy XIV Examining the concepts of myth, fiction and fantasy in Final Fantasy XIV
Opinion We Need to Talk About Gay Relationships in JRPGs Why we need more gay representation in JRPGs and how narrative design and character writing can improve
Interview PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo — An Interview with Takanari Ishiyama and Gen Kobayashi Delving into the topic of metafictionality in adventure games with Ishiyama-san and Kobayashi-san
Review MetaReview - Octopath Traveler II Comparing and analyzing several game reviews of Octopath Traveler II
Review MetaReview - Tactics Ogre: Reborn Comparing and analyzing several game reviews on Tactics Ogre: Reborn
Feature Comparative Criticism #1: War and the End of Humanity in Final Fantasy Type-0 and Apocalypse Now Examining the concept of war as the failure and end of humanity
SUPERJUMP PVP SUPERJUMP PVP: Party-Based JRPGs Vitor Costa and Alex Anyfantis examine the pros and cons of Japanese RPGs with party-based narrative and gameplay
Feature Nobuo Uematsu and the Synthetic Neoclassicism of the Fantasian Soundtrack Examining Nobuo Uematsu's ideas and techniques in what could be his last complete OST for a video game
Game Design Why Random Encounters Shouldn’t Disappear in RPGs How random encounter system can be designed in a modern and enjoyable way in current RPGs
Interview Various Daylife: An Interview With Tomoya Asano and Masaaki Hayasaka Exploring the design decisions behind Various Daylife
Feature The Magical, Aristocratic Symbolism of The DioField Chronicle Examining the ideas and techniques in Isamu Kamikokuryo's concept art
Feature NieR: Automata and the Melancholy of the Human Voice in an Opera of Machines and Ruins How Keiichi Okabe's music contributes to the identity of the NieR series and the humanism of NieR: Automata
Interview NieR: Automata - An Interview with Yoko Taro, Yosuke Saito, and Keiichi Okabe With the re-release of NieR: Automata on Nintendo Switch, the legendary minds behind the game discuss their craft in an exclusive interview
Feature Live A Live and Its Wordless Prehistory Examining the concept of "ludonarrative consonance" in Live A Live
Feature Origins of the Strategy RPG (1982-1995) An exploration of the early days of the strategy RPG genre
Feature Intellectual Difficulty and Fairness in Tactical and Puzzle Games Examining the difference between difficulty and fairness and how they apply to games
Feature Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross and Temporal Ontology, Part 2 Understanding existence and identity in the different time structures of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross
Feature Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross and Temporal Ontology, Part 1 Time Travel and Linear Time vs. Branching Time
Game Design What is Difficulty and Fairness in Video Games? Examining two divisive topics in the discussion about gaming
Feature Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor and Laplace's Demon Thought Experiment Comparing Shin Megami Tensei's plot with the famous philosophical experiment